PR Club Weekly Roundup: PR, Marketing and Business News

While the current pandemic has brought challenges to the industry, crisis’s such as Hurricane Laura, the California wildfires, and the upcoming election are all playing a part in how we deliver and consume information. Check out these 5 articles about how brands today are strategizing to fit their message into our chaotic world:

  1. Globalization is continuously pushing the business environment to become more competitive, complex, and dynamic. Businesses need to educate themselves to function effectively in various cultural contacts. Read more about how to market your brand uniquely and bring a positive change in the inside aspects of business, such as work environment and staff morale.
  2. While getting the attention of media outlets for a potential PR opportunity is never easy, trying to deliver a message during a pandemic, hurricanes, wildfires, and a presidential election makes this task that much harder. Check out how you can adjust your message to ensure your voice is heard in the media during times of crisis.
  3. Proving PR’s financial impact is one thing; communicating it effectively is another. Often, PR metrics differ significantly from the metrics that CEOs and their peers care about. Check out these tips to break through and gain a voice among top-tier execs to address PR’s impact on business objectives.
  4. As the political climate of the United States remains cut throat as we approach the election in November, CNN and ad agency FIG created an add to promote its election coverage using classic political cartoons, the donkey and the elephant. Check out how this ad conveys teamwork and nostalgia to tranquilize tensions between political parties.
  5. With events planned in the upcoming year still up in the air, such as the Super Bowl, advertisers must assume it’s happening to be prepared. However, marketers won’t rely on the big game to debut new products or initiatives. Read more about the shifting priorities Super Bowl advertisers had to make from their plans drafted in February.