Getting to Know The Board: Kristina Markos, Board Member

Where do you work and what is your title?

Simmons University, Associate Professor of Practice and Internship Director

What is your Twitter handle?


Briefly summarize your background. What kind of industry/clients do you work with?

Using my formal training as a journalist to fuel my 15-year PR career, I have mostly worked in professional services PR; specifically focusing on finance/investing, law, healthcare, tech and a handful of consumer clients. Additionally, I  experience working with consulting firms and running thought leadership-based PR programs across the industries they serve.

I have worked in public relations mostly, but have experience in advertising, content marketing and other adjacent fields. I brought this experience and knowledge into higher education, starting as an adjunct in 2010 and going full-time in 2019. I still take on freelance clients and have broadened my scope to include consumer and lifestyle clients as well.

Describe what you do for PR Club.

I am a new board member and look forward to contributing in all the various ways offered–I’m especially eager to dive into the Bell Ringer processes in upcoming years!

Name your top three favorite things about PR.

  1. The opportunity to gain deep knowledge in client industries
  2. Networking with hard-working, sharp, motivated colleagues
  3. The way it constantly evolves, which causes professionals to be nimble and creative 
  4. * bonus one, I love that I can teach best practices to the upcoming generation

Do you have a childhood moment when everyone knew you’d be a communications specialist?

In high school when I was on the student newspaper and in the broadcast club, delivering the morning announcements, I realized my extracurriculars laid the foundation for a great career!  It wasn’t easy getting to school before everyone else to prepare for the morning news–and make sure my makeup was done–but I did it for two years and loved every minute.

What is your top getaway destination?

Would love to try Mendoza, Argentina and explore the wineries, or venture to S. Africa.

If you could take a client to any restaurant in Boston where would you go?

Fiore’s rooftop in the North End

Go to Dunks order?

A blueberry cake doughnut, I go for the snacks not the coffee.